How to Fix a Leaky Faucet

Having to fix a leaky faucet can be irritating and inconvenient, but unfortunately, all faucets are prone to leaks. Leaks are actually to be expected, especially when a faucet is already a little old. Faucets and other plumbing fixtures have component that come loose or get worn down through constant use over time. Fixing a leaky faucet depends mostly on what kind of faucet it is. You can then find the right tools and materials to do the job right.

Getting Started

Before you start the process of fixing a leak, turn off the supply of water to your faucet. There is a valve below the sink that you can use to turn the water off. Afterwards, plug the sink drain. You can use a sink plug or stuff the drain with a rag. This will prevent small components like screws from slipping into the drain. Most importantly, make sure that you have all the tools and materials you need.

Compression Faucets

If you are dealing with a compression faucet, the first step is to unscrew and remove the handle. This will reveal the nut, which you need to take off with a wrench. You will then find the stem, which is located above the O-ring, which in turn is located above the seat washer. The seat washer is usually made of rubber and can be worn down. A worn seat washer is usually what causes the need to fix a leaky faucet, and therefore needs replacing.

Ball Faucets

Most hardware and home repair stores stock replacement kits for ball faucets, which has everything you'll need for repairs. Once you have the kit, unscrew and remove the faucet's handle. Using pliers, remove the cap and collar then loosen the cam below. You'll then see a mechanism that looks like a ball and socket. You can then remove the inlet seals and springs and replace the O-ring. Everything you removed should be replaced with components from the kit.

Ceramic-Disk Faucets

You basically start the same way with ceramic-disk faucets by removing the handle. You can then remove the escutcheon cap, which sits right beneath the handle and is usually made of metal. Remove the disk cylinder so you can remove the seals underneath. Soak the cylinder in vinegar to clean it, or replace it altogether. You can then put the faucet back together. Remember that when you fix a leaky faucet, handle it carefully.

If you ever need plumbing assistance, Plumbers 911 located in both Fresno and Modesto is happy to help! Checkout the Facebook page for Plumbers 911, Plumbers 911 Fresno, and Plumbers 911 Modesto for weekly posts and tips.