Septic Tank Maintenance

Are you having trouble with your septic tank maintenance? Do you even know where to begin when it comes to the right Septic Tank Maintenance Modesto you can rely on to help maintain your septic tank?

If a septic tank has served a home for more than 20 years, it requires regular maintenance. No one likes being inconvenienced with blockages and leakages which can contaminate the surrounding water and soil. And if your septic tank is not properly designed and installed by experts, it can bring about a whole slew of challenges to any home owner. Failing systems will not just reduce the value of your home but it can also endanger the health of your children. They can also contaminate underground water including streams and lakes.


Taking Care of Your Septic Tank System:

If you contact the Septic Tank Maintenance Modesto experts, the first thing they will want to know is whether you have copies of the plans or the drawing of your system. Also, they may want to look at the available service records. Don’t use unnecessary additives because your septic tank has enough enzymes and the bacteria that allows it to fully digest its content as a result, adding unnecessary additives and chemicals may not benefit your septic tank.

  • Use white toilet paper because some colors and dyes cannot be broken down by bacteria. Also, avoid flushing out wipes, napkins and thick paper material.

  • Do not drive over the top of your sewer tank, protect it instead. This can be done by putting a fence on the sections where the septic tank is located. Also, avoid planting trees on top of or near the system.

  • Do not build carports, patios, and structures on any part of the septic system.  This may damage the system and necessitate that you contact septic tank maintenance modesto expert so that they can have a look at it.

  • Ensure that you pump out any sludge as soon as it surpass the recommended level.

  • Avoid pouring items down the drain.  

  • Even though you may dispose garbage in your sewer system, it is recommended that large quantities must be disposed of in the garbage.

  • Fats grease, oil are not good for your septic tank since they may prevent the bacteria from breaking down the waste.

  • When you choose to disinfect, ensure that you use recommended but biodegradable products. Avoid using products that contain quaternary ammonia and pine oil based oils since they contribute to the clogging your pipes.

  • Do not flush medicine down the drain because antibiotic medicines can harm the treatment of the system.

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